Saturday, June 14, 2008

Nicaragua 08 Day Three

Work Day Two and VBS Day One

Julianna took the camera on this day and recorded 12 shots, mostly at breakfast so that is what you get...

Breakfast is served each morning in this open air pavilion adjacent to the pool. The first day we had beans and rice and a cheese that I was not familiar with. Then the kitchen help offered to make what ever we asked for and "pan-cake-ees" became the norm for the rest of our stay. We also requested a side of fresh fruit. Pineapples, watermelon, and bananas etc. are incredible just the way God prepares them. You know, no preservatives, no additives, no freezing, no canning, no MSG, no shipping, and no sugar added.

OK. I'll admit this is the most comfortable looking mission trip one can imagine. And it really is enjoyable eating breakfast outdoors in the morning surrounded by lush vegetation. But we did go off to do concrete work... (Just wait til you see what we did on the "fun day" before we returned home)

Julianna did manage to wear herself out, but she was able to stay up with the rest of us (this and each night) through the nightly devotional and any other activities. If you are familiar with Julianna you know she doesn't stop until everyone else does.

What is missing from this days pictures was the first day of VBS. Followed by chinese take-out at the hotel, nightly devo and a very enjoyable game of "Crazy Uno". Crazy Uno should be adopted by anyone capable of quick thinking, dexterity to manage dozens of cards and recreational revenge. Julianna was really getting the revenge part down. Rules available upon request.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I love that JLee was able to experience something so outside of her "box". Wouldn't the world be great if we all were so adventurous.

BTW she looks won out in that picture of her crashed on the bed. I can only imagine!!