Monday, May 19, 2008

Olympic Champion

Today Julianna had her 2008 M&M Olympics . This is the day when all of the family comes to watch what the kids have learned in gymnastics this year. I really missed Grandma and Grandpa this year because Grandma always took all of the pictures which allowed me just to watch. I had a hard time running the camera and paying attention at the same time. Miss you guys! This year she showed us her beam, bar, and floor routine. They were all impressive, but we were especially proud of her cart wheels and round offs that she has worked so hard on.
I was trying to think of how many years Julianna has done this and gave up trying to count. We will just say she has done this since she was 2 years old and I think this is her sixth trophy.
Coach Kelsey has been her coach for the last two years. Julianna loves her.


Gina said...

She is growing up WAY too fast!!!

Miss you guys!

Not Hertz said...

Grandma would have loved to have been there. I'm sure she did great as usual. Looks like her front teeth have caught up with each other. We love and miss you all!!